Rehearsals, he found, were equally unpredictable.
Equally unpredictable, it would appear, are coincidences in the advertising industry.
Even Robillard, undeniably powerful but equally unpredictable, could not have afforded the captain such comfort.
Other hits out of the store are equally unpredictable.
Accidents were equally unpredictable, and if they happened when one was alone, were often fatal.
For carers, students, the unemployed and those with ongoing medical conditions, life can be equally unpredictable.
Any meaningful conversation with him travels equally unpredictable roads.
Ultimately, the issue, the hottest in California this fall, could determine the winner, producing an unusually large and equally unpredictable voter turnout.
An equally unpredictable variable for the future, and perhaps the most important one, was the Israeli public itself.
At 17, his moods are equally unpredictable, and he is prone to sudden, fierce rages.