The sponsons of the 8-inch guns were equally thick.
His thick arms were folded over his equally thick chest.
As a result, the contrast between the thick black hair on top of his head and the equally thick mustache and his paling skin was striking.
They both seemed to be equally thick with bushes!
There were sycamores down along Cave Creek that were equally thick.
Mucus in the paranasal sinuses is equally thick and may also cause blockage of the sinus passages, leading to infection.
Axe haft and hammer haft almost touched, two pieces of wood equally thick.
His brick-red hair was a wild thatch that merged with an equally thick beard.
She lived for 17 years with Maria Desiderio, a 43-year-old painter, who has equally thick, flowing dark hair.
Vibrant red, it is thick and rich and equally good hot or cold.