It would be equally pointless to demand assimilation.
Formal worship or private prayer is equally pointless.
As far as I'm concerned, your slave name is equally pointless, and I'll call you by the password of the Norton Cabal, which Simon used at the door.
"No." Further conversation was equally pointless.
A pointless existence in an equally pointless world created by chance out of the chaos of the cosmos.
Why, she would probably have asked, should the death of one white woman somehow outweigh the black lives ended daily in killings equally pointless and brutal?
Each of his wishes would have been equally pointless.
He insisted that the reference letters so often required are equally pointless.
Denying humanitarian aid to the Serbs would be equally pointless, as well as cruel.
Asked whether the drilling operation was not equally pointless, Mr. Butiyev paused and looked away.