All the babblings sounded equally nonsensical.
The VAT on ebooks is obviously part of this, but that's equally nonsensical.
In his journeys, Făt-Frumos often has to overcome a major dilemma related to the correct route he is to follow, and is bound to decide between two equally nonsensical choices.
Or something equally nonsensical.
It is equally nonsensical to contend that such things trigger alcohol abuse by anyone else, including young people.
It is equally nonsensical to attribute "spoon-moon-June romanticism" in a "prudish age" to such as the Gershwins or Rodgers and Hart.
And equally nonsensical.
The PPE-DE Group has tabled other amendments, which are equally nonsensical and will not enhance the standing of the European Parliament if adopted.
The incident at the lake of ice was equally nonsensical.
But I find an arbitrary period of time equally nonsensical.