"But," she writes, "there are local inhabitants who tell of a mythical Frenchman called Pardel and an equally mythical Pardel's Stone stuck somewhere up this lane."
Libuše is said to have been the daughter of the equally mythical Czech ruler Krok, and the youngest among his daughters, the healer Kazi and the magician Teta.
As it would turn out, this comparison was quite accurate, as the laser gap turned out to be equally mythical.
Still, the equally mythical Calypso offered immortality and eternal youth to Odysseus when he was shipwrecked on her island.
Was this the feeling of the old-time mountain man, equally mythical as the long hunters, when he had headed for the beaver streams?
There are also various "nerves", equally mythical.
For the next hour, I explained about the mythical Free Wunderland Navy, and its equally mythical victories.
So you boozed in some mythical bar and spent the night in an equally mythical subway.
Perpetuation of the myth of the authenticity of Goedsche's story, in particular the "Rabbi's speech", facilitated later accounts of the equally mythical authenticity of the Protocols.
He was also charged with finding the equally mythical Strait of Anián, an imagined sea route between the Pacific and the Atlantic.