They are accompanied by equally menacing memories and myths, which are fomenting the hatred among Muslims, Catholic Croats and Orthodox Serbs.
Equally menacing are the right-wing death squads, which have a long history of collusion with elements of the Colombian military and are also dealing in drugs.
Equally menacing in their sense of organs ready to envelop are the modeled sculptures of Nancy Bowen.
Another drum began, slower, less skilled, but equally menacing.
The Egyptian laughed uncomprehending and replied, beaming, with some foreign-tongued insult no doubt equally menacing and obscene.
Equally menacing for Iraq's future, the tape cast the elections as a "wicked plot to install Shiites in power," ending generations of political domination by the Sunni minority.
Equally menacing is Janet Tate's logo-like composition of triangles cubistically shaded from black to white (1981).
But across from her stood her mirror image, equally menacing.
Not identical, but equally menacing.
Tangle trees were more common here, and others that seemed equally menacing, but when any started inching their foliage toward the travelers, Stanley jetted steam, and they withdrew.