His mind tried to justify a reason for it, and he thought that maybe he'd been rubbing his feet on the carpet too quickly, or something equally ludicrous.
An equally ludicrous punishment is then handed down (e.g. "One year being adored by the cast of Jesus Christ Superstar").
It has also been known for the scammers themselves to adopt fake names that in their native culture would seem equally ludicrous.
The navy's claim on the Florida was equally ludicrous.
Labour is equally ludicrous: it is committed to banning 'trees and shrubs that could make more women feel vulnerable to attack'.
Equally ludicrous but also rather lovable is Ken Brown with his "Ken on the Course" slot.
That is an equally ludicrous suggestion.
A generation from now, it may sound equally ludicrous, as perhaps it should.
Apparently, the Branch needed Burgess's personal access code, password, voice-print and genetic fingerprint, or some equally ludicrous sequence of identification.
Or the equally ludicrous one that somehow a more experienced practitioner can help you develop your technique or explore new directions.