All the wild pictures which his distempered imagination drew were equally inspired by that one obstinate conviction.
In the replay, West's lead against the same contract was equally inspired: he chose the spade three.
Cliff could only hope that his use of celestial mechanics would be equally inspired.
The Scriptures of all faiths are equally inspired, though none can be regarded as literally inspired.
Mr. Boulud is equally inspired by the passing of the seasons.
The homemade desserts (try the velvety cassata napoletana) are equally inspired.
She, equally inspired to leap over danger's cute and furry head, thought the notion not unfeasible.
Unfortunately for him, East was not equally inspired.
And the way you would have executed my first officer and me would have been equally inspired, of course.
Equally inspired is a sequence in a train station where a small time con artist charms a locker key out of Carol's hands.