Its name evokes the equally exotic bobolink, bulbul and whippoorwill , with their clearly echoic names.
The musical setting for this phantasmagoric plot is an equally exotic mixture of musical styles.
Equally exotic is Dr. Davis, a kindly woman with skin the color of walnut.
Equally exotic ginger lilies (or hedychiums) from Bristol Zoo make an appearance.
But they had turned out to be something else--equally exotic, perhaps, as a signal from beings in the night sky.
The cuisine is equally exotic.
With his back to her, he began pouring into an equally exotic glass.
She said there were creatures in the sea which were equally exotic in their organization; and insects who resembled the spirits, too.
Equally exotic was the first rally organised outside Europe - in Tunisia](1996).
The names of the places where these stories originated must seem equally exotic to American children of the cold-war years.