While searching for images for the piece, I came across Kathryn Hillier's equally evocative image "Jardin des Plantes."
The finale is equally evocative.
Fountains, empty and silent, and snow-draped sculptures silhouetted against naked branches create a totally different but equally evocative mood.
Ms. Fenley, a major modern-dance choreographer of the younger generation, may be after a kind of distillation of "compressed personal history," as the interesting and equally evocative program notes for "Geologic Moments" put it.
Lawrence Casey's costumes are equally evocative.
Recognizing this, Mr. Prince, I think, has tried to come up with equally evocative stage pictures.
The impressively gutsy, flowing collage of imaginatively chosen popular music numbers, with some original music by Kurt Hoffman and Alex Brofsky, is equally evocative.
The music to "Kite" was equally evocative.
Shourie says the sunnah and the hadith are equally evocative in their support of the notion of Jihad, which he deems to be the leitmotiv of the Quran.
Another video, Chris Coffin's "Boats," is less cryptic but equally evocative, using boat models as surrogates for family members.