Equally eloquent?
The lord bishop has been before you," said Owain drily, "and equally eloquent.
The skeletons found in Pompeii and Herculaneum give us an equally eloquent testimony of panic and uncertainty.
He spoke a great many more equally eloquent words, for he had a gift of speech, had this drover from Aincourt.
Her piano playing was equally eloquent, sometimes shoring up the emotional resonance of the vocal line, sometimes illustrating the action of the text.
Christopher's praise-especially in matters literary, about which he was as passionate and knowledgeable as he was about politics-was less famous but equally eloquent.
The text is equally eloquent.
He is equally eloquent in outliningwhat the United Nations should be doing in the next century.
As a filler we are given an equally eloquent account of the Alto Rhapsody, with Bernadette Greevy in glorious voice.
Mr. Parkinson is equally eloquent when discussing some of his peers.