I think China is equally disgusted with the United States and North Korea and will exercise pressure on both countries to change their present policies.
(When she turns to Frasier for help, he is equally disgusted about Cliff.)
Carver's partner, Lenny Stillmach, is equally disgusted and even better with computers.
Ben Carlton looked from one punster to the other, equally disgusted with both.
Then, looking equally disgusted with the security officer and the universe in general, he shrugged and surrendered the latinum.
Burnet challenged Houston to a duel, but Houston refused, saying "'the people are equally disgusted with both of us.'"
Peggy is equally disgusted and yells at the wedding guests to leave.
I've sent messages to Melongel, who's equally disgusted with the case.
Doug was equally disgusted and moved into the Woolpack himself so Sandy returned to the vicarage, wanting to support his son.
"worse than a public woman from the old quarter, excellency," another said, equally disgusted.