Equally disconcerting is that people in the hall can hear what goes on in her apartment.
Floyd had once seen Chandra crying; now he saw him laughing, and that was an equally disconcerting phenomenon.
When things did happen, the actions were equally disconcerting, for the characters now seemed rootless and adrift.
Ms. Bornstein's characterization made this eccentric figure equally disconcerting in motion and at rest.
Another and equally disconcerting presence had materialized there - one which she had attempted to diminish some time ago and send packing from her thoughts.
Demographic developments have become equally disconcerting and perhaps even less susceptible to remedy.
Although the queasiness is diminishing, it is being supplanted by other equally disconcerting feelings, such as an awkwardness, and an increased urgency to relieve himself.
If government officials are left confused by the Court's stance, many religious believers find it equally disconcerting.
The record minimum set in 2007 caught many by surprise, but this year's observations are equally disconcerting.
I still wasn't used to seeing him wearing the dark red haddin of a free man, and the sword hanging at his side was equally disconcerting.