The world is full of new-music bands that are equally adventurous and play with much greater finesse, but to emptier halls.
Xiaoyanzi lives an equally adventurous life inside the palace, where she meets her lover, Yong Qi, as well as friends Er Tai and Er Kang.
"I did expect this posting to last a while longer, but I'm sure an equally adventurous opportunity will present itself."
His friends among fellow Americans included some equally adventurous young painters, such as Abraham Walkowitz, H. Lyman Sayen, and Patrick Henry Bruce.
They quietly snipped away, talking about the weather with a few equally adventurous customers.
The show is about an adventurous young girl who had an equally adventurous dog named Sandy.
The constructional nature and working methods of the two cinemas are different but they both offer an equally adventurous and thrilling cinema-experience.
Gallery exhibitions in ancient, medieval and tribal art were equally adventurous.
As friends describe her, Ms. Zinbarg is equally adventurous and sensitive.
From Beijing, where that book ends in 1948, he made an equally adventurous journey back through Tibet to Indochina.