The greater emphasis on the quality of educational systems has entailed a redefinition of the equality principle.
Under this equality principle all immigrants, regardless of status, are granted the right to access education and health services and are entitled to due process.
It ought to be said that there's no inherent conflict between First Amendment principles and equality principles and indeed in most circumstances they flow together.
This has led to legal action by investors who find that this violates the equality principle.
The internment of the entire Japanese-American population violated the equality principle.
The court ruled that preventing women from occupying combat roles in the armed forces was against sexual equality principles.
The equality principles of the Indian Constitution void the patrilineal restrictions expressed in the third clause.
"I don't think Massachusetts has any basis under our equality principles for enforcing discriminatory laws against other states."
This concept must be eliminated from the code if it is to reflect the equality principle.
The 1948 convention was denounced by several countries as it was perceived discriminatory and in contradiction with the equality principle.