One ratings point equals 921,000 homes with television.
A national rating point equals 1.02 million homes.
Each rating point equals 921,000 homes with televisions.
Nielsen estimates that a rating point equals 904,000 homes.
Now, with its subscriber rolls up to 54 million, the 1.9 rating equals 1 million homes.
Of the 21, only eight get ratings above 3.0 (one point equals 959,000 homes); most are below 2.0.
Even in disarray, the Rangers averaged a 1.17 rating, which equals 87,750 homes.
Each rating point equals 886,000 homes with television.
Its 1987 rating of 4.8 (each point equals 886,000 homes), was a staggering 31 percent below last year.
Each national rating point equals 904,000 homes with television.