From each end of the yoke, a load of equal mass is suspended.
Instead, the team is using pieces of what it hopes is equal mass.
Or can they be different rocks with equal mass (having both been weighed and found to be 100 lb on dry land)?
It so happens that the electron and the positron have equal masses.
Therefore, a hydrogen atom (H) will cause a neutron to slow down the most, as they are of roughly equal mass.
What's left is the gold that the days work has yielded with an equal mass of mercury.
In this expression is the relative momentum having the form for equal masses.
The two worlds are of nearly equal mass and orbit each another around a common point in space as they revolve around the sun.
This he calls terminal velocity, the speed where objects of equal mass all travel at the same speed.
Arisia figured out that they have to hit him with matter of equal or greater mass.