The national assembly created a unitary state with equal laws for the all of the Spanish empire.
It made clear that the colony should be governed by "just and equal laws", and those who signed it promised to keep these laws.
Give no bounties: make equal laws: secure life and property, and you need not give alms.
"The law, equal for all - white, black, bald, curly, irrespective of anything."
The repeal of "separate but equal" laws was a key focus of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
That is the reality of their precious 'equal law.'
They have given you pomp and power - but the safety of equal laws were a better gift.
It establishes equal law for all citizens of Tonga despite their class or ethnicity.
James Madison once said that equal laws protecting equal rights are the best guarantee of loyalty and love of country.
"Many of these young people and in particular their parents want a responsible but an equal law," she said.