Under normal physiological condition, both are found in relatively equal concentrations.
Bright orange is created by dense deposits of both red and yellow pigments, in roughly equal concentrations.
Less vocally, but with equal concentration, Spock focused on the torpedo's path.
The non-charged molecules of the drug remain in equal concentration on either side of the cell membrane.
Adding a roughly equal concentration of NaCl might speed it up enough for your class needs.
The researchers gave mice drinking water with various combinations of chemicals at concentrations equal to those often found in groundwater.
I thought I could detect hangover and fear in approximately equal concentrations.
In fact they occurred in equal concentrations in the two strains.
If a cell were initialized with equal concentrations of sodium and potassium everywhere, it would take hours for the pump to establish equilibrium.
A rather taller head towered above the others at each table, usually bent in equal concentration.