The six big huskies each carried fifty pounds, and on his own back was an equal burden.
The emotional toll was great, yet my husband and I faced an equal financial burden.
Today, the cost of post-secondary education for children, especially for families who choose private institutions, can be an equal or greater financial burden.
Those at the top of the authoritarian pyramid, however, suffer an equal and opposite burden of omniscience.
For the children of suicides there is an equal if not greater burden to bear.
For these two were not of equal rank or equal burden, though they longed for parity.
But this leads to an equal and opposite burden of omniscience upon those at the top, in the eye of the pyramid.
However, we cannot endorse the rapporteur's view that all countries should impose an equal burden on their companies as regards environmental requirements.
The trees around them were inconceivably gnarled and bowed as with an almost equal burden of years.
Now we're looking for a plan under which all teams would share an equal burden.