Elegantly directed by Peter DuBois, the episodic tale followed its main characters into the choppy white water of sorrow.
For another thing, meaning plays a secondary role in these episodic tales.
Mr. Im's meandering, episodic tale keeps its subject at a distance, observing even his wildest moments with decorous detachment.
Both of these books are episodic tales of Blood's pirate career rather than true sequels.
Dragon is the episodic tale of a band of adventurers searching for the evil sorcerer Dhoulmagus.
But the episodic tale has an exotic charm, even if it lacks cohesion.
It consists of a series of episodic tales about the relationships of the characters.
The bittersweet episodic tale of an ultra-dedicated locomotive engineer uneasily transitioning into retirement provides warm and gently humorous entertainment.
Small wonder that some of the most popular shows on television are episodic tales of house repair.
The episodic tale was swiftly told in less than two hours.