Hernández said that the episodic content started with "a few short videos about Facebook and grammatical mistakes", but it later became a more elaborated program.
"We'd rather build out another game than we would do episodic content," continued Richmond.
He further attributed these elements as part of the "world building" to flesh out the show beyond episodic content.
G.rev apologized saying to fans saying they hope to distribute episodic content in another manner.
The Brian Jackson Show is currently one of the few exclusively online shows to be broadcast as full TV-length episodic content.
However, he criticises it for its episodic content being a "tease".
The episodic content of autobiographical memories is predominantly encoded in the form of visual images.
View and play episodic content packaged into a single file.
Hothead self-publishes its games with a focus on offering accessible gameplay and episodic content through digital distribution.
It offers "episodic narrative content, period new quests, and events that visibly affect the entire world.