Several other episodes tended to relax in what became a predictable way.
Each episode, however, tended to end with a piece about how humans are probably the oddest species of all.
If untreated, episodes of depression tend to come closer together and are harder to treat.
Yet such violent episodes tend to be surrounded by mystery and debate.
However, the episodes do not tend to show the Symbols (the pieces used to create the flash) outside of the intended viewing area.
In the past, episodes like this tended to fall beneath a critic's radar.
Each episode tends to focus on a different character, however the developments established during previous episodes continue to play smaller roles in those following.
Many episodes tended to break the fourth wall.
Psychotic episodes tend to become worse over time when untreated, they say, and the effect of the experience on the brain is still unknown.
Successive episodes tend to get more severe and occur more frequently.