Each episode, barring occasional exceptions, represents a single day in the chronology.
But the entire two-hour episode represented a remarkable return to form for a show that had gained viewers but lost its way.
The Iran-contra episode represented a futile effort to do so.
Some maintain that his death made him a martyr, and the episode represents another small contribution to the spiral towards civil war.
This episode represents the final foray into the Stargate franchise for the foreseeable future.
Each episode represents a different era, and the casts and languages change accordingly.
Its gimmick promises excitement and severe challenges for writers: every episode will represent a single hour of one day, played out in real time.
This episode represents the first time that Batman's origin is portrayed on television.
A mixed episode represents a combination of symptoms of mania and depression at the same time.
The dramatic episodes in which Medea plays a role have ensured that she remains vividly represented in popular culture.