The episode of the epic has been taken from the Mahabharata.
Both episodes were taken from the 1963 series, presented by Vera McKechnie.
In fact, entire episodes in his films have been taken from things that happened in real life.
The first 230 episodes were taken from the Australian script, but heavily rewritten; since spring 1993 the scripts are original material written in Germany.
Yet any given episode might be taken as fact or imagination or religious allegory or all three at once.
None of them obeyed the instruction, and the episode was taken as a sign of his limited power and authority.
Several episodes were taken at too slow a tempo, and closing phrases often sounded like afterthoughts.
The episodes were taken offline on July 20 as planned, but became available again on July 28.
He said the episode was discussed in a cabinet meeting and taken as a positive signal from the insurgents.
This episode was taken to task by critics who accused Space: 1999 of being poorly plotted and/or deliberately enigmatic.