The second season of the show began airing immediately after the first run's seven episodes had finished.
The episode finished in 53rd place in the ratings for the week of May 20-26, 2002.
The episode finished in 46th place in the ratings for the week of May 13-19, 2002.
The episode finished in 33rd place in the ratings for the week of May 14-20, 2001.
She refused to leave home for the hospital until the episode had finished.
The final episode of season one finished with 3.5 million viewers on November 30, 2003.
When that particular episode finished, she found a love story on another station and added still more to her education.
The last episode in the series of 20 finished at the end of June 2007.
Some episodes finish with a song, usually performed by Matthew and the group.
The second 12 episodes finished their run on March 22, 2010.