Many fans suspected for a long time that Henry was in love with Katie, and an episode in early 2005 confirmed their suspicions.
The episode itself mentioned job stress, the divorce, and a possible gambling addiction as possible motives; but never confirmed any specific reason.
At one level, the episode confirmed for Disney the value of its content.
The whole episode confirms his suspicion that the new post-Mandela South Africa has turned sour.
This episode confirms to Harry that he is, and will always be, a stranger to his society.
The 2003 episode confirmed in our minds the need to be as forthcoming with our readers about any given death as we can.
A later episode in which the friends go on dates confirms the worst fears.
These two episodes confirm that discrimination is stupid as well as cruel.
The episode of the hat confirmed it.
Frankly, I'm happy he was there, because this episode simply confirms something I'd already come to suspect.