This episode centers around a girl named Clara, who just moved to the Enterprise with her father.
Each episode centers on a theme from a book or other children's literature which is explored through a number of segments or stories.
The first episode centers on a 27-year-old real estate broker, Jenner, a woman whose androgynous name suggests a sophistication greater than she has.
Each episode centres on a different character.
Each episode centers on different characters who sometimes have just a short involvement in the major events of the series.
The bulk of the episode centres on recorded narrative.
Each hour-long episode centers on a particular area and typically poses a question with which to explore the area.
The episode centers on George getting promoted after 15 years working on the assembly line and has to fire either his mom or his best friend.
The episode centers around a previously unknown Neptune student, Mandy, having had her dog stolen.
This year's episode centers on the question of work effort: Do the poor work enough or do they not?