Subsequent episodes have alluded to this romantic, possibly sexual relationship.
The song is also alluded to in the title of a Season 2 episode of Danny Phantom.
The episode also anachronistically alludes to criticism of The Times in the 1980s.
The episode alluded to a trip to Colombia that the cast (especially Sofía Vergara) had been hoping the producers would announce.
The episode may allude to Psalm 68:22: "In my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
The episode also alludes to The Elephant Man (1980), when Jerry proclaims, "I am not an animal!"
As a result, the episode only vaguely alludes to the actual game.
Here the episode alludes to the case of Susan Smith, replicating the murder method and that a black man is blamed for the act.
Radio is the primary mass medium, and one episode even briefly alludes to the characters having never heard of television.
This episode alludes to previous elements of the River Song character.