Unfortunately, many epidemiology studies conducted cause false or misinterpreted information to circulate the public.
There is a very large literature of genetic epidemiology studies describing associations between various loci and breast cancer risk.
According to a substantial amount of epidemiology studies conducted, women are twice as likely to develop certain mood disorders, such as major depression.
The researchers performed an epidemiology study on young athletic populations.
No peer-reviewed epidemiology study has ever found a connection between silicone breast implants and autoimmune disease.
Well-conducted epidemiology studies consistently show a relationship between particular effects and exposure to the substance.
A variety of epidemiology studies have concluded that the accident has had no observable long term health effects.
His mother, an epidemiologist, works in Silver Spring as a consultant to designers of epidemiology studies.
Hypoxia is now being demonstrated as relevant to schizophrenia in animal models, molecular biology and epidemiology studies.
Environmental epidemiology studies external factors that affect the incidence, prevalence, and geographic range of health conditions.