No, I want you to tell me how this ephemeral image of Jim Bob was created.
But it wouldn't have taken an art expert to recognize that the fleeting, ephemeral images were portraits of Pity.
My normal day-to-day life involved the catching of emotion on the wing, the recording of ephemeral images to illumine a bedrock of truth.
This is just a less than charismatic new way of flogging a few ephemeral images.
He tried to recall her face but, as always, found her ephemeral image difficult to visualize.
But far too often, there is the nagging suspicion that these ephemeral images would make a better book than an exhibition.
Another Vietnamese artist, Binh Danh, imprints photographs onto plant leaves, registering ephemeral images of his family, soldiers and people lost to death.
"I have always worked with much more ephemeral images," Mr. Bell said.
The artist's sensitive use of the materials fosters the visual ease essential to those who experience his ephemeral images.
Not until the ephemeral images had faded did Crowder urge Dumarest forward.