As regards the structure of each subordinate page, I envisage using Headings again for each item so that the reference would work properly.
The design envisaged using readily available engines with the aim of ease of manufacture and an early first-flight date.
Only Luxembourg ( 2.1%) and Italy ( 0.9%), have informed the European Commission that they envisage using the cooperation mechanisms to meet their national renewable energy target 11% by 2020.
Nikola Tesla envisaged using electrically powered aircraft, powered by beams from the ground or the ionosphere.
The London and Greenwich Railway directors originally envisaged using the arches for low cost housing, but were soon dissuaded of the plan.
In a 1948 paper, he envisaged using a digital electronic computer for providing information over a national telecommunications network:
The plan envisages using new types of reactors - now being built abroad with participation by American companies - that are evolutionary improvements over existing light-water reactors.
The original book proposed the concept of Environmental Tracking, which envisaged using the power of the stock market, primarily through index funds, as a means to incentivise companies to reduce their emissions.
Can you also envisage using this money for similar projects?
Mr. Trajkovski's security plan lays out several phases to establish peace and envisages using international troops and military observers to disarm rebels.