In May 1990, remnants of the Values Party merged with a number of other environmentalist organizations to form the modern Green Party.
Nuclear-energy opponents take the position that militant environmentalist organisations have not changed their views:
Mountain Wilderness shares some of the values and objectives of alpine clubs and environmentalist organizations, but is clearly distinct from both.
The party was the first environmentalist political organization created in Galicia and run in several local elections.
He participates in the Great Grapple tournament in order to fund his self-made environmentalist organization and protect the African wildlife from poachers.
In recent years the programme had attracted fierce criticism both from the governments of Pacific countries and from international environmentalist organizations.
He was nominated by the environmentalist civil organisation Védegylet, including notable public figures from both the left and the right wing.
The same environmentalist organization said in a report that the Jordan River could dry up by 2011 unless the decay is stopped.
There are also countless organizational clienteles: consumer, antiracist, feminist, federalist and environmentalist organizations, and so on.
After a long series of legal battles with environmentalist organizations such as the Sierra Club, they settled for a high dam at Glen Canyon.