However, because of stiff opposition from citizens and environmentalist groups, the project has been temporarily suspended.
The environmentalist group Pembina Institute also took its name from the river.
This has come up against fierce opposition of many local environmentalist groups and agencies, who try hard to prevent the scheme from being carried out.
She is into animals and is part of an environmentalist group.
In addition, he will meet and speak with environmentalist groups and critics.
The society, vying with environmentalist groups for support, is trying to change that.
This time, though, the White House and environmentalist groups find themselves at odds.
In a way, environmentalist groups are taking a huge gamble in the current dispute.
The environmentalist groups say that to accept less protection when more is needed would allow environmental damage of the swell to continue.
The Values Party, an environmentalist group, managed to win 0.2% of the vote, substantially below previous efforts.