The 'general interest' post would be in environmental sectors or helping the poor, old and disabled.
Especially after the events of the late 1980s, international organizations and developed countries have allocated significant resources for the environmental sector in Brazil.
Emphasis is on both the process and environmental sectors.
We need new technologies for the environmental, transport and energy sectors.
This means a 10.3% budget increase for the environmental sector compared with the 2007 budget year.
We believe this is also entirely appropriate for the most important instruments in the environmental sector.
Science has a very important role to play in supporting public policy in the research and environmental sectors.
Let us not see half the width of the sea between saying and doing in the environmental sector!
We know that this will be a great challenge both for the Union and for the environmental sector.
It is only with relevant information that we can make the necessary and right decisions in the environmental sector.