But, he said, there was "tremendous philosophical congruence" between what Sun was already doing and the environmental principles.
It has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations.
The participants hammered out a set of environmental principles now being carried out voluntarily at many of the nation's 17,730 courses.
This fundamental environmental principle is supported by the Government through European and international agreements.
In 1991 we took new forestry one step further, adopting environmental principles to guide all of our foresters and managers.
However, there is another environmental principle at stake, namely the exchange principle.
If we can achieve this, then we will have globalised an important environmental principle.
The well-known environmental principle is: the polluter pays, not: polluters pay.
It has also incorporated environmental principles into its strategy and its decision-making process.
An environmental principle is amongst the content that we think should be adopted as part of the report: 'the polluter pays'.