This species is a good index of the state of the forests, being quite sensitive to the environmental modifications.
Reversing the flow of the Chicago River is a major example of urban environmental modification.
That and we are here with our agriculture, livestock raising and other environmental modifications which we desperately want to protect.
The changes in rainfall pattern may have association with the environmental modifications due to human interventions on the natural ecosystems.
Usually it is possible to enhance remaining vision by utilizing low vision devices and by making environmental modifications.
Structural and environmental modifications in Santa Maria delle Grazia should help prolong the life of the mural.
After unsuccessful efforts to control the locusts through environmental modifications, chemical agents are currently being used.
"It is open at many steps to environmental modifications," he said.
This resulted in the acceleration of environmental, behavioral and genetic modifications.
This differs from genetic inheritance because it depends on each generation to sustain the efforts towards environmental modifications of previous generations.