Such films address themes concerning Australian society, particularly in respect of masculinity (especially the ocker male), male attitudes towards women, attitudes towards and treatment of indigenous Australians, violence, alcohol, and environmental exploitation and destruction.
The response from the Humanist Movement was that environmental exploitation happens because society is following values (such as money, economic growth, etc.) that are contrary to the human being.
According to Article 48 and 57 of CH II of the Carta Organica the indigenous authorities need to approve any projects of environmental exploitation by submitting them to a referendum.
Cistercians equated spiritual health with economic achievement and environmental exploitation.
Metal work impacted the agricultural activity and environmental exploitation, manufactured utilitarian artifacts as well as ornamental and sumptuary objects.
Animal husbandry and the less demanding cereals (rye and barley) became more important, as the villages had to be built at higher altitudes (because of climatically elevated water tables and environmental exploitation of the lowland settlement areas).
Mind and culture go together in evolution, for culture depends on the emergence of capacities for learning and the retention of novel practices of environmental exploitation and social organization.
"He shows himself to be a comic writer at the peak of his powers" and "once again produces a devilishly funny caper revolving around ... environmental exploitation" ( Publisher's Weekly ).
Kyoto leads to environmental exploitation.
Secondly, indigenous people, who are so often the victims of environmental exploitation, should benefit from this agreement.