The environmental decline was predicted to harm tourism and commercial interests if no actions were taken to halt current trends.
Here we would never maintain the whole is suffering environmental decline, but that parts of it are, and this matters to the numerous people living there.
The aim was to educate people in environmental awareness and to emphasise the need to protect the Siatista area from activities that lead to environmental decline.
The environmental and economic decline of Panitian had caused many residents to search for better opportunities away from the barangay they helped established and developed.
If decades of environmental decline are to be reversed, the process will begin in places like Tafi Atome.
"This is a fundamental thing," said Vaclav Smil, the Canadian scientist who last year completed a study of China's environmental decline.
Also, women in developing nations start having fewer children as technology and industry improve--conditions generally linked with environmental decline.
Lately, government officials have started seeking remedies for the environmental decline.
The regulatory model has produced significant benefits in terms of addressing decades of environmental decline, improving economic efficiency, and raising customer service standards.
The region's environmental decline has paralleled the great growth of California over the last generation.