The dam was the focus of a long environmental controversy and was one of the last large dams built in California.
But when asked about an environmental controversy, a biologist drew a finger to his lips in a signal for silence.
The Manas River has often been the centre of environmental controversies, particularly in the 1980s.
In particular a greater depth of historical knowledge can inform environmental controversies and guide policy decisions.
Some administration officials said the report might sidestep the environmental controversy and instead include a broad recommendation to overhaul how plants are treated.
A proposed dam at Echo Park turned into a nationwide environmental controversy in the early 1950s.
In the course of international expansion, the company has run into bumps ranging from political risk to environmental controversy.
Students need environmental education to give them knowledge and skills to evaluate environmental controversies so that they can take their own informed stands.
However, the company was unable to start construction because of social and environmental controversies.
Outdoor wood boilers are a topic of environmental controversy.