As their environments continue to warm, the animals may find that drier conditions make food scarce.
Pakistan's external environment continues to remain as volatile and hostile as ever.
This multilingual environment continues to increase in diversity as more language communities become connected to the Internet.
"However, if the present difficult environment continues, the achievement of this target could be delayed."
The environment continues to present new and changing demands but these cannot be satisfied by the allocation of the increment.
Concerns about human health and the environment of Agbogbloshie continue to be raised as the area remains heavily polluted.
"If this environment continues, they will have no choice."
However, the recessionary environment and the company's financial woes continued to stall development.
Nevertheless, although important progress has been made, the global environment has continued to deteriorate significantly.
First released in 2003, the environment continues to be maintained and kept up to date.