He had seldom evoked any emotion in his peers other than envious admiration or fear.
As he had done so many times before, he watched with envious admiration as his beloved elder brother accepted a new challenge.
He was in the same form as Philip, and Philip had always looked upon him with envious admiration.
He felt, at that instant, an odd amalgam of emotions; love certainly, but also envious admiration.
And Italians - rich now themselves after the postwar economic boom - no longer regard the United States with envious admiration.
"It must be splendid to be Mrs. Bailey," she replied with a glance of envious admiration across the room.
Balthus noted with envious admiration the play of the great muscles beneath the sun- burnt skin.
This information was given freely, in a tone of envious admiration.
Here is one, verbatim; and if any one can calculate the scale of charges, he has my envious admiration.