The stilted angle of head and neck, flung back like an envelope flap against his shoulders, told Sulu there was no use in calling sickbay.
You remember 1 "No." 1 point the flashlight at the envelope flap.
She takes the envelope flap and stares at it.
And at last a leather despatch-case with an envelope flap : locked.
It's a pity you didn't know that before you licked the envelope flaps.
She started to open the envelope flap, keeping the edge close to herself so Boudreau couldn't see in.
Because you don't want anyone else to intercept the letter and steam it open, you put Sellotape over the envelope flap.
Berov scribbled a few words on the envelope flap of the Agency report.
She stuck out her tongue and licked the envelope flap as Mary Wilkes leaned across the bed.