An early 1900s envelope, reportedly sent by the state to a newspaper editor, bore a copy of the seal missing the bear!
The envelope bore no return address, only the postmark of some hamlet in Colorado.
The envelope bore the seal of Starfleet in gold and blue.
The envelope itself bore no return address, and I didn't recognize the writing.
Both envelopes were in a clerk's hand and bore all the marks of the British Army bureaucracy.
It was unusually early for the mail to have been delivered, and in any case he could see immediately that the envelope bore no stamp.
The plain brown envelope bore no return address, and no note of any kind was included with the book.
The pink envelope looked like a Hallmark card and bore Jillian's return address.
One envelope was empty but bore a threatening message.
Sure enough, the envelope he held out bore Lee's name in a sprawling scrawl.