(See the entry rules below for more details)
There may have been an attempt to have the symbol copyrighted, despite the entry rules for the original competition which would have prohibited this.
There are some strict entry rules.
The entry rules allowed one team from each country.
For entry rules and information about the contests or the fair itself, telephone 718-338-3799 or 212-233-2926.
You should check the expiration date and the entry rules of the countries on your route.
Stricter entry rules after Sept. 11, 2001, mean that some of the world's banking talent that would have gravitated to New York is going elsewhere.
Had strict entry rules applied in for the last 20 years, England would never have been invited.
The Member States would continue to decide themselves what entry rules to apply to Hong Kong residents.
Please also check the entry rules and visa requirements of the country you are going to visit by contacting the relevant Embassy or your travel agent.