The technological entries ranged from the whimsical to the utterly pragmatic.
The prize list includes classes in breeding, hunters, and jumpers, and entries range from local children to leading Olympic and Show Jumping World Cup horses and riders.
Co-organizer Joshua Foer expects the entries to range from "the latest in digital fabrication to handmade craft techniques."
Typical entries range from second hand standard road cars to European Touring Car Championship vehicles and GT3 sports cars like the Porsche 911 GT3.
So far, entries have ranged from a full instrumentalmix to "a guy with his Casio keyboard in the basement with a tape recorder," according to Dave Popkin, a team spokesman.
But whatever the entries, and they range over a wide series of topics, all ultimately fill in the initial void of the "I" inscribed at the very beginning of the "Diary."
The short entries range from campy, insidery quips to trenchant cultural observations.
These entries range from ecstatic to grim with McCandless' changing fortunes.
The entries range from a 1930's jazz musician's reference to bad music like that played in cartoons, to a 1970's military sense meaning the rigid enforcement of petty rules.
The entries range from excellent to undrinkable, and the undrinkable usually can be eliminated by smell.