The familiar echoes of his own voice inside the mine's entry chamber was a friendly, reassuring sound.
He stopped suddenly, in the wide archway leading to the brown-tiled entry chamber.
There was no sign of a trap from either their enemies or the builders inside, just the expected entry chamber.
He pointed to a flat wall in the western entry chamber, to the side of the doors that led into the main upper level corridors.
The compartment door remained open to the entry chamber, but all the other doors were closed.
I went through with her into the entry chamber.
The entry chamber was small and empty, with blank concrete walls.
He went up to the door to the entry chamber, and when it opened for him, he entered the green imprinting room.
Back again to the other end of the room, where the low doorway led into the entry chamber containing no more than shelves and shoes.
The entry chamber looked the same as always, but the inner great room no longer had the rubble of broken pillars in the center.