Mayor Bloomberg has provided over $6.7 million towards entrepreneurial programs that partner with Columbia and other universities in New York.
Michalowicz completed MIT's 'Birthing of Giants' entrepreneurial program in 2003.
We're having new entrepreneurial programs besides those that have always interested corporate P.R. professionals.
For years, we in the relief and development community targeted only women for our health, educational and entrepreneurial programs.
The idea for the wheelchair came from Teri Norris, a Princeton graduate who worked on the project while in the entrepreneurial program last year.
Students in the entrepreneurial program also attend seminars conducted by business people on such topics as raising venture capital, marketing and securing a patent.
The new proposals would also give campuses the authority to keep surpluses, whether from savings or asset sales or entrepreneurial programs.
Gary Kaplan, executive director of Jobs for Youth Boston, ran entrepreneurial programs until 1991.
It has held multiple entrepreneurship events with participants from around the world and runs entrepreneurial academic program every year.
"But these entrepreneurial programs - which really do demonstrate the magic of the marketplace - clearly deserve to be supported."