Kotick credits Steve Jobs for advising him to drop out of college to pursue his entrepreneurial interests in the software business.
Students are chosen by the Director, based on grades, entrepreneurial interest and business experience, and are matched to projects.
Nevertheless, Tom is frustrated with the experience and begins to contemplate leaving his city hall job to pursue his own entrepreneurial interests.
He is known to have strong entrepreneurial interest and active in creating new businesses [8].
In addition, the Youth 2002 entrepreneurial program is providing business skill training from one of these building to engage youth with entrepreneurial interests.
Darbaidze returned to Tbilisi after serving his military duty to pursue his entrepreneurial interests.
She says she is not surprised by the entrepreneurial interest, describing jewelry making as "the ultimate home business."
He continues his entrepreneurial interest through advising and investing in new and developing companies.
Amirhoushang Teymourtash, on the other hand, resisted the temptation to pursue a political career and for the most part pursued entrepreneurial interests.
"I think our early entrepreneurial interest comes from this," Eric Becker recalled.