With his entrepreneurial ability and professionalism, he has built up a not so modest business conglomerate of US $3.5 billion.
Yet it is a peculiar use of the term that confines the concept of entrepreneurial ability to the realm of material affluence.
In the government's mind its single-minded agency approach assumes an entrepreneurial ability that contrasts with the alleged inflexibility and bureaucratic ethos of local authorities.
No one in the business has his foresight, his daring, or his entrepreneurial ability to change direction.
Markovich would go on to further mature his percussion and entrepreneurial abilities by utilizing advanced self-improvement methodologies.
Largely due to Farsari's exacting technical standards and his entrepreneurial abilities it had a significant influence on the development of photography in Japan.
The aim of Conquest is to evaluate the entrepreneurial abilities of the aspirants from different backgrounds.
Lifelong learning is and must be based on some basic competences, and these include an entrepreneurial ability or mindset.
Another factor was the great entrepreneurial ability of Bardellino himself.
Very soon Manubhai displayed his entrepreneurial abilities and sharp intelligence.